Not sure you can commit to becoming a foster parent just yet?

There are other ways you can help.


Donate Goods or Services

Chance 4 Children is always looking for people to volunteer their time or services to help our cause! Maybe you are an artist and would be interested in teaching an art class to our kids and staff members, a photographer who would be willing to take professional photos for their Life Books, or a restaurant owner who wants to donate a gift card for some of our foster parents to get out for a date night!


Donate Time

We often attend local recruiting events that are family-oriented. During these events we meet with potential foster parents, hand out information about our program, and bring awareness to the foster care crisis. If you are interested in helping with a one-day recruiting event, we would love to have you!


Donate Love and Attention

If you have been thinking about fostering but are nervous about it, providing respite foster care is a great way to test the waters! Respite care usually takes place over a weekend, and it rarely lasts more than two weeks. You can choose when you're available to take children so the schedule can be very flexible - it's up to you. Respite care requires licensing and training, just as becoming a 'regular' foster parent does, but you will learn what types of behaviors you can handle.

When you provide temporary care for another family's foster child, it gives the foster family a bit of a break - a respite. The foster parents may need to get away for a bit for some much needed restorative personal time, or maybe they have other obligations that may take them away from home for a period of time.